Public Libraries



Puvitheca is a company that supplies books, media and materials to libraries. We specialize on shelf ready services: cataloging, labeling, security systems and binding.

Our role/ purpouse is to free librarians from technical tasks and repetitive physical processes, so that they can have more time for the collection and students.

The technical tasks are carried out by personnel with a Diploma in Library Science and Documentation, with a high level of experience and knowledge of the different library management systems.

1.- Cataloging and Weaving: The materials are cataloged following the Library specs. Before serving the first orders, a pilot test is carried out to acquire the quality of the technical process and obtain the approval of the Library.

2.- Barcodes placement : Barcodes must be supplied by the Library.

3.- Book covers using Colibri system. It is a mechanized book protection system using a transparent, removable, non-stick and fire-resistant plastic cover.

4.- Tracking orders: We have a tracking system for orders, budget and billing through our website.

5.- Personalized bibliographic information: On our website, you can subscribe to our personalized bibliographic information system. Weekly new titles announcements by subject are send to your email .

For big volumes shelve ready services are given free of charge